Coffee Maker Poll of the Day

DeLonghi Espresso Machine Reviews -- The Top 5

DeLonghi is a great company that makes diverse and useful espresso machines for the caffeine
Lover who doesn't want to leave their home to get their daily fix. One of the most helpful things
About this particular manufacture is their useful and effective helpline. It is unlikely you'll need
To call them, but it is wonderful to know you have a safety net.
If you have been reading our site you will know we reviewed Saeco Espresso
Machines where we talked about what to look for when buying an espresso machine so if you
Want to learn more about this, you can click on the link.

let's quickly look at what makes a good espresso in the first place, and how the Delohnghi helps
you get there.
What Makes a Good Espresso?
There are a few essential elements to what makes a Great espresso:
1. The Water
Anything you brew in water needs good quality water.
The water which will affect the flavor of the espresso.
2. The Grind
The standard of bean, ground, or pod will affect the taste of your espresso. Nearly All the
DeLonghi espresso machines we reviewed accept all three versions of beans so you will be able
To practice with various flavors or if you live in house with those who have different taste
From you, you both can have your preferred coffee with the machine you choose.
3. The Strength
All of these DeLonghi espresso machines have a single or double shot of espresso so you can

you prefer your espressos weaker than most or stronger than most.
4. The Temperature
To make a Great espresso the water needs to be heated to at least 195 degrees Fahrenheit,
The hot water will help the coffee brew better but the
temperature if all up to personal preference. Fortunately, each espresso machine on our list has a
temperature control setting.
5. Tamping

With everything, you need to experiment to find how restricted you like your coffee for your
espresso. Quick note: Not all of the DeLonghi espresso machines we reviewed come with a
6. The Time

Now that we know what we are looking for in a perfectly pulled espresso shot, let's compare the
Various machines, examine how their unique features stack up and figure out which DeLonghi
Espresso machine is ideal for your dwelling.
DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica Super-Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine
Dimensions: 11 inches x 15 inches x 14 inches
Weight: 28.5 Pounds
This product from DeLonghi is incredible for several reasons.
Makes it effortless to froth and warm the milk for whichever drinks you want. This
Espresso machine also gives you the option to make cappuccinos and lattes, and it remembers
your preferred drink order. No need to reset the controls everyday.
Even if you had to reset the settings everyday, you probably wouldn't mind.
Easy to use and read dial and in right in the font so that you don't need to reaching around the back to
One of the best things about the DeLonghi

brew the perfect cup every time and it's option between single and double shot of espresso to fit
your taste. It's rapid cappuccino system, 60 ounce water tank and 7 ounce bean keeper means
That it can brew numerous cups of cappuccino in a brief period of time, perfect if you love to host
The DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica Super-Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine is superautomatic
So you have very little to take into consideration when using this product. It does everything from

Adjustment features just make this product more of a excellent catch.
It's Simple to Use

It's consistent

It grinds, tamps and extracts automatically

DeLonghi EC680M DEDICA 15-Bar Pump Espresso Machine
Dimensions: 13 inches x 5.9 inches x 13 inches
Weight: 9.3 Pounds

It's a light up control panel so you can easily see what you're doing
Even before the sun is up and if getting up that early causes you to forget to switch off your
espresso machine, don't worry, it will automatically go into standby mode after a period of
inactivity. It's self-priming feature means it's always ready to go when you need it to be, and it
only takes forty seconds to brew.
It's versatile, accepting beans, pre-ground and single serving pods so you can make your
espresso, your way, even down to how frothed you want your drink. The manual steamer gives
You complete control over your milk, also this machine comes with an amazing tamper to
compress your beans. The pressure is 15 bar professional grade so you know that it's going to be
a good, tasty cup that holds up sip after sip each morning.
One of the best things about the DeLonghi EC680M DEDICA 15-Bar Pump Espresso Machine
Is it's alarm that lets you know that the machine has to be descaled, don't worry it's not an
annoying buzzing noise, it's just a blinking orange light near the base.
It has professional pressure
It's self-priming
It has single or double shot option
It's light-weight
It's small in size
It let's you know when it need to be descaled
The steamer isn't always hot
Most of it's parts cannot be ordered if they break
DeLonghi ECAM22110SB Compact Automatic Cappuccino, Latte and Espresso
Dimensions: 17 inches x 9.4 inches x 13.8 inches
Weight: 24.3 Pounds
This machine is the only one in this DeLonghi espresso machine review that has a water filter
built-in and an energy saving switch. It's single boiler unit also works to Lower energy
expenditure. It's easy to use with a clear, easy to read dial on the front and easy to program your
Drink order into, it even remembers your preferred cup size so you won't need to re-enter that
every morning.
The DeLonghi ECAM22110SB Compact Automatic Cappuccino, Latte and Espresso Machine
has a button to time-release water to saturate coffee grounds slowly to extract a better and richer
flavor. This model has five distinct brewing strengths so that you could further enlarge and try out
Various flavors and strengths using this espresso machine.
This machine has great consistency for each drink you brew and the machine keeps itself at
optimal temperature for brewing your coffee. The temperature settings on this model go higher
Than most in the marketplace. The cup warmer makes sure to heat your glass so that your drink
Doesn't cool down as soon as you set in your milk for steaming.
It's very energy efficient
It has single or double shot option
It's consistent
It has a high temperature range
It's not very good for tamping
It doesn't work well with oily beans
DeLonghi ECP3630 15 Bar Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Machine
Dimensions: 9.6 inches x 7.2 inches x 11.9 inches
Weight: 11.8 pounds
This is another exceptional product from our DeLonghi espresso machine review. It makes
espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes with 15 bar professional pressure. It works with coffee beans,
pre-ground beans and single serving pods. I find it great when an espresso machine works
With different sorts of beans, it makes it easier to try new things and make what your guests like.
Tamping with the De’Longhi ECP3630 15 Bar Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Machine is
Difficult, but you just need to find what way works for you. It may take a few times to get it
Where you want it but the machine produces an excellent espresso even if the tamping isn't what
You're looking for.
One of the absolute best things about this product is it's easy to view water levels in it's 37-
ounce water tank. It's clear and easy to remove for cleaning. Like some of the others in this
DeLonghi espresso machine review, it reminds warm, ready to brew, and has an adjustable cup
size feature. I am so glad that that is a common feature on these espresso machines, life is about
Choices and that has the choice to have a larger espresso if you would like it.
It's easy to remove water tank
It has single or double shot option
It's self-priming
It's easy to clean
It's easy to view water levels
It's hard to tamp
It takes a few times to find your preferences
DeLonghi EC702 15-Bar-Pump Espresso Maker
Dimensions: 11 inches x 9.1 inches x 11.6 inches
Weight: 13.4 pounds
This is a self-priming espresso machine which is a great feature because it means you don't have
to run the pump with water after a period of no use, it primes itself making your wait for your
morning espresso even shorter. The DeLonghi EC702 15-Bar-Pump Espresso Maker has a 15 bar
Professional grade pressure for a strong stream each time. This espresso machine is also so Simple
to use and understand. Perfect for anyone looking to buy a good quality espresso machine at a
Superior price.
The DeLonghi EC702 15-Bar-Pump Espresso Maker is great for entertaining guests, it can make
Several drinks in a row and can be used with beans, pre-ground coffee and the single serving
pod. So your family and friends can have whatever kind of espresso they prefer. This espresso
Machine has a 44 ounce water tank that is easy to remove to refill and clean.
Unfortunately, this machine does not automatically stop so have to stay by it and stop it
Manually, the brewing time isn't long so it won't be a long wait. The DeLonghi EC702 15-Bar-
Pump Espresso Maker also lacks the adjustable cup height feature but it's adjustable controls and
easy to clean design makes up for that. Like most of the others with this DeLonghi espresso machine
Review it has a manual milk steamer attached so your espresso gets the perfect froth.
It's easy to clean
It has single or double shot optionIt has professional pressure
It's self-priming
It's easy to remove water tank
It can make multiple drinks quickly
It does not let you adjust the cup size
It does not automatically stop
Making the decision to an espresso machine requires a whole lot of research. Hopefully, if you already
Know what kind of espressos you like it will be easier to examine the features detailed above and
Decide on the best fit for you. The DeLonghi espresso machine reviews we did gives you a lot of
Information on each of these five products, hopefully enough information that you have decided
Which of the espresso machines you'll be making room for on your kitchen counter.
Due to these espresso machines small, compact designs you won't even have to clear off that
much room for them. They'll sit proudly on kitchen counter, ready to be used every morning,
Looking gorgeous, for a great number of years.
If you want your espresso machine to last a long time with regular use you'll have to remember
To look after your machine, clean it and descale regularly. I hope your at home DeLonghi
Espresso machine helps to improve your life.


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